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Old Testament

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Hohewarte II, Luebeck, Germany

To the Elite of the Humanities

To the

Theologians of the Clergy

To Emperor Diethard and King Juergen

To all Thinkers of the Matter

The German-language document you may find here!

Luebeck, 21 August 2024


 Readings for 21 August 2024  Ez 34:1-11 | Ps 23:1-6 | Mt 20,1-16a      


Dear Readers in the Matter and Commission of the Lord,

Dear Emperor, Dear King,

Some of you will probably be wondering why my person as Empress has ended up in a monopoly position, since you and others will probably have noticed or know that my person does not quite have an academic university education, but will nevertheless have the general say.

That's a good question, of course, and one that I too have to ask myself time and time again.

But when my person read through her published letters on the Internet, it`s slowly dawning on me and I am glad that I was chosen as Empress and therefore have the say in this matter!

Of course, such a monopoly position is not entirely harmless and obviously cannot be exercised without restriction, but this monopoly is only effective in conjunction with Creation as a grounded Trinity. This means that a turning point in contemporary history is certainly not feasible without King Juergen and Emperor Diethard and that a possible new beginning of the world will certainly not be feasible without Emperor Diethard with the help of my person.

My person had also considered the possibility of simultaneously influencing the renewal of the earth from the afterlife with the help of the Emperor after the end of the old calendar of the world, which includes every human being through the Last Judgement and is ultimately accomplished through the possible death or clash of the Empress, since the history of time seemed to be long advanced, but recent clear signs say that this change of time, with everything that goes with it, could happen directly on earth.

And now these clear signs should be explained, which my person is not willing to do. However, one thing should change for natural reasons for my person after years of waiting, because the Creator has not chosen a nun, but someone like my person, whereby He could also have chosen other women, which of course would not please my person at all!

And this brings us to the subject of academic higher education and the necessary humanities, which can obviously complete the content of the Old Testament on the surface.

What my person has been able to recognise so far through these precious and holy writings of the Old Testament are actually also prophetic instructions for our situation in the end times, which are appropriate and describe the core of the matter through the Creator. Only one thing stands out; some things are really true and appropriate for my person, but partly in reverse order and partly in an ambiguity that can also be intended as a kind of protective shield for my person and also for other women and thus these ambiguous paraphrases contain at least one important statement in the matter, which requires expert background knowledge.

Unfortunately, I am not able to provide this, as I am not necessarily a Bible expert either, but I do know who would have such background knowledge and would be able to draw the right conclusions from the many and very difficult sacred texts that reflect the Creator or God directly through His word and explain them to others who are interested in the matter.

No less a person than the Emperor will presumably have studied and familiarised himself with this matter, although there will also be many experts in the world who will also have studied the statements of God or the Old Testament in particular.

However, what strikes me from time to time in the daily readings or gospels of the Bible is the statement of God in which the word ‘hatred’ is mentioned and then I immediately become suspicious and have to ask myself whether it really can only be God's word or a saying of our Creator, or whether something devilish could have interfered here and there at that time. This devilishness also catches my eye when, for example, my person looks at the layout of Lake Ga.... and also looks at the map upside down as the opposite side, and unfortunately this happens because my person is searching for important indications through the legacy of our Creator in the matter.

In conclusion, I would like to make it clear that a born Empress does not actually have to be a martyr and should therefore be able to keep herself alive more contentedly, freed from very heavy burdens, which is true for the entire true Crown, but which can easily be falsified publicly at the mercy of attacks by deceptions and tricks of the devil!

Of course, such a letter is not intended for everyone, but unfortunately my person does not have an active monopoly position and power of attorney to enable a special delivery for this message, since the people, for whatever reason, obviously cannot recognise their superior(s) and thus my person would have chased off the field most of the people currently responsible in this regard with her Cudgel long ago!

Yours sincerely

Ursula Sabisch, Empress

5.Mose 32,18-21 | Einheitsübersetzung 2016 :: ERF Bibleserver

HP: My person hopes that a valuable and beautiful Crown has been added and that my person has not shocked the Emperor and the King too much with my harsh tone and with my accompanying Cudgel, including the partially adapted form of expression, or will possibly shock them too much and, if necessary, my person will be sent unadulterated original over the ether, which is entirely due to the martyrdom in the matter, whereby the martyrdom of the sister of my person should also be mentioned!

Document checked on 22. August 2024.